Sunday, April 02, 2006


Recently I've been reminded again and again how little I know about the world around. Do fish drink water? What does TOG measure? Has anyone looked for Noah's Ark? And on and on. With that in mind, have been driven to looking up online encyclopedias daily, looking for random entries that catch my eye. It's a lot better than spending 2 hours on DOTA in btw studying! Btw, had no idea the original DOTA map was designed by Eul, and that there's a secret involving missing frogs from one version of the game. But I digress.

In between looking through all these scraps, was again confronted with that immortal line by Pilate.."What is truth?" Of course, he said it in Latin(right?) and with old script fonts and all. My el cheapo answer off the top of my tongue, would be "God". And till now, I would think that would be the truth indeed. But looking at the different versions of stuff, and reading graceY's entry a few posts back, I've come to the conclusion I need to look harder, sift more, think harder, and accept less without comparing it to God's Word first. Of course, there are those that would say God also is on trial, that His truth isn't er....true. To those, then, I'd invite you on a journey of discovering the ultimate truth and ask that you consider a simple fact first:

Everyone believes in something, whether it's God, karma or oblivion. In the search for truth, none can claim to be truly objective and free from bias.

2 years to go till I graduate, and medical ethics remains a closed book.. sigh.

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