Monday, September 25, 2006

The Importance Of Barrow

What's to stop countries from launching nuclear missiles at each other? Why, the knowledge that retaliation would occur swiftly and surely in the form of nuclear missiles aimed right back at them.

And why is Barrow involved in all of this? Barrow the 'ulu' place that people fear being thrown into for a year, the place where people excape from on weekends in lieu of bigger cities, where you can see sheep from your window; this small quiet town is actually, the base of Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering Limited. This company manufactured 4 Vanguard-class nuclear-powered ballistic submarines, which are, at the moment, the United Kingdom's ONLY nuclear deterrent. For the military buffs, read about it here.

So do not mock Barrow. Especially since got ASDA and Tesco and plenty of bookstores.

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