Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The journey so far

I'm not ready to be honest about a lot of things. I pray that in time I will be. Not only with myself, but with others in the family of Christ, with my leaders, with friends. Of course, it's unrealistic to expect myself to open up to everyone, I'm pretty glad I'm not that kind of person anyway!

Still, I'm glad we took the step to meet up tonight. Though most of it was just talking, and sharing, and really still quite structured,(haha my dislike of processes apparent here) I think it's good that we still keep meeting up week after week. Julia shared from her heart tonight, as always, and with Ed and Angel and Herb sharing and encouraging each other, I'm honestly honoured to be a part of the journey that we are sharing together as people wanting to see change, firstly in our lives, and in the lives of those we come into contact with.

We are going to have fun this weekend. Southampton ppl coming down, and with captainball on sat, I'm going to get some much-needed exercise. Finally! Also bought a new desk lamp from argos only to find out my last one works fine when I plug it into a new outlet...Sigh. Well, it'll make a good one for my sister when I go home in the summer:-)

Ed finally had his hair cut! By 3 people who had no prior experience b4 coming over to the UK...Of course, Jack, Hsupheen and I couldnt resist getting out hands dirty as well.. And the result wasn't too bad, pretty impressive actually, as you can see below.

Juniors have started emailing me asking for info on Liverpool. Sigh, looks like the seasons are changing again. Seems just yesterday I was one of the eager beavers(well, actually Jack and Alex were way more interested in getting info b4 we came over), and here I am, one of THEM who went over, having to promote our unis..Oh well, all I can say is:

Seremban isn't that bad, costs a lot less, and if you want a real UK experience, go to the highlands and wear shorts all day while eating potatoes and chips!

I dread to think that I spent hundreds of thousands of ringgit coming over 'just to escape the Malaysian/old-school method of consultants screwing students who don't know their stuff' Or just to 'experience the Biritish culture' or just to 'get a better standard of teaching'. Making decisions based on peer/parent pressure while not really praying about it...Thats just me having random thoughts. Btw, I think my reasons were the last 2.

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