Saturday, January 07, 2006


Btw, if anyone is in the know of available placements for a medical mission trip around june/july of next year, please do let me know. I think CREST SIM and OMF don't like me. No replies yet to my long letter. Maybe I should call.. Had no idea going on such a trip was so complicated.


lishun said...

hi jonathan. not sure if you remember me, but i went to ecf in march and i'm now in sem1 imu.

anyway, about the missions trip, a friend of mine from king's college went for one last year through the singapore medical society of london.

she went to thailand last year to give shots and educate the locals about malaria and dengue, as well as teach them to do self medical examinations.

it's not limited to unis in london only, as there were participants from all over england. plus it's open to students of all nationalities. my friend is malaysian and there were some thais in her group.

anyway, the society website is

hope this information helps! =)

Jonathan said...

hey it took a while but yup I DO remember ! will definitely check the site out, thanks! How's IMU suiting you?

lishun said...

ok it wasn't a medical mission per se, but somehow God must have planned it so my friend went with a bunch of ocf people. haha.

imu is ok i guess. taking it in my stride and making the best out of things. eos next week.

time passes too quickly. i've lost the novelty of being a freshie! lol.

Jonathan said...

what novelty? haha. most people try to lose any novelty they thought they have. Anyway, glad to hear you're settling fine there. Maximise your time in imu. It'll be over before you know it!